Interesting conversation with cousin in California

June 04, 2020

Glenda skeen



Sunday was a very good day at Hurricane Baptist Church even though the pastor will be leaving soon due to the unexpected family health problems which has called for his having to return to Georgia. His parents are ill and there is no one to help.

There were two people baptized at the Hurricane Baptist Church last Sunday. There was a much larger crowd than usual who were in attendance.

May God help the church to find another pastor very quickly and to also give the present pastor and his family the strength to deal with what they have been called upon to do in the very near future.

Saundra Addison

Saundra Addison is in a Johnson City hospital. She has been sick for a few weeks but I suppose she thought that she could recover on her own but that was not the case. She has something called T.T.P. which is apparently very rare. The doctors say that it only affects very few people but the doctor are hopeful that she will soon recover with treatment and good medical care. Pray for Saundra’s quick recovery and that she will be back at her home in Hurricane to enjoy her wild birds and animals which Saundra and her son John feed everyday.


I heard from a very far-away cousin of mine recently. She lives in a gorgeous place at the bottom of a 14,800 foot mountain on a volcano type mountain. There are lots of lakes and forrest areas nearby. She says it is gorgeous. Her name is Debbie. Such a fantastic young woman who is soft spoken, courageous and concerned for the well being of others. She lived through and escaped from the horrible fires several years ago. This place is in Redding, Calif. She also has a bed and breakfast type business now that she has changed jobs. She enjoys company and has a lot of people who come to her bed and breakfast home. She has extended to an invitation to me to visit with her in her beautiful nature world.